Affordable Electric Transmission and Distribution
Training Courses
OSHA 1910.269 and OSHA 1926 Subpart V:
How To Interpret and Apply the New Regulations
Sample Training Courses
ESCI offers the industry valuable and cost-effective training courses for transmission and distribution workers, engineers, and managers. All ESCI training courses are taught by top industry experts in the subject being offered.
ESCI will send a professional instructor who is nationally known as the "Subject Expert" on a requested training topic to your facility to train your own employees in-house.
This cost-effective training option, offered by ESCI, saves your travel and training budget and provides valuable training to all your affected employees. Listed below are the training topics ESCI offers to provide at your facility:
Affordable Electric Transmission and Distribution Training Courses
OSHA 1910.269 and OSHA 1926 Subpart V:
How To Interpret and Apply the New Regulations
Sample Training Courses
ESCI offers the industry valuable and cost-effective training courses for transmission and distribution workers, engineers, and managers. All ESCI training courses are taught by top industry experts in the subject being offered.
ESCI will send a professional instructor who is nationally known as the "Subject Expert" on a requested training topic to your facility to train your own employees in-house.
This cost-effective training option, offered by ESCI, saves your travel and training budget and provides valuable training to all your affected employees. Listed below are the training topics ESCI offers to provide at your facility:
The Hot Topics in Today's Electric Utility World
1. What is MAD (Minimum Approach Distance)? No, we are not talking about the magazine.
How is MAD developed by
IEEE 516?How do we apply MAD per OSHA 1910.269(L)(2)
and NESC-C2?How can a worker(s)
enter MAD?What can a worker(s) do while inside MAD?
How can we reduce or
eliminate MAD?Where does MAD apply?
Exposed conductors
and equipment?Energized or de-energized?
Underground cable
and elbows?
2. What does OSHA 1910.269(L)(1), the two-man-rule, require?
How many workers are required to perform work under (L)(1)?
Where must the second worker be located, in the air or
on the ground?What are the responsibilities of the second worker?
What work can the second
worker perform?What is required if both workers are working?
3. What is the right development of an FR clothing program per OSHA 1910.269 and the NESC-C2?
Who is required to wear
FR clothing?Who does not need to be outfitted with FR clothing?
What type of FR clothing
is required?Are pants, winter clothing, and rain gear required to be FR?
Does my company fall under the NESC or NFPA 70E for
FR clothing?What is the proper arc rating required for
my company?What are my company's options for supplying
FR clothing?What about face shields?
How do I choose an arc rating for
low-voltage work?
The above topics are covered in a half-day training program only offered by ESCI. Contact us to find out more about bringing this valuable training to your company.
Flame-Resistant Clothing: Developing and Implementing a Cost-Effective and Workable Program for your Electric Utility
The Most Complete Course on Electric Utility FR Clothing Applications Available ANYWHERE!
This course provides an in-depth understanding of how to complete an industry-accepted arc hazard assessment of your distribution and transmission overhead and underground systems and your low voltage and network systems. Then, the assessment will be used to develop a complete FR clothing program for your company.
Accident Investigation Training
Helping Your Company Find Out What
Really Happened!
This course provides the skills to effectively conduct an accident investigation within your organization. The training begins by explaining the need to conduct an effective and thorough accident investigation and its value to both management and the employees of your company. The students will participate in group activities and interact with other employees from
various companies.
Understanding Personal Protective Grounding
The Most Complete Grounding Course
Available, PERIOD!
Completely updated in 2008, includes the latest Grounding Regulations & the newest industry-accepted Grounding Methods.
Supervisory Leadership Safety Skills Training
Helping Your Employees Focus on Working Safely Each and Every Day
This course provides valuable management skills to individuals who are responsible for the supervision and safety of employees. Participants will learn how to develop and maintain a safe and productive work environment for all workers. Through a lecture, role-playing, and discussion, participants will learn their roles in helping establish and support an ongoing and positive atmosphere of safety in the workplace.