Safety and Training Services
ESCI provides a full range of Safety Training and Consulting Services to the utility industry.
Federal OSHA 1910 and OSHA 1926 regulations require ALL employees to be provided safety training on a regular basis for each section of OSHA 1910 and 1926 unless the employee's job duties do not include the particular activity.
Some safety practices require training yearly, some every two years, some every three years, some every five years, and others on an as-needed basis. Listed below are a breakdown of the Federal OSHA 1910.269 training requirements and ESCI's recommended training intervals.
ESCI currently provides ongoing safety services to more than 40 private and public utilities, employing more than 4,100 employees across 8 western states. ESCI serves some of our customers as their “Safety and Training Department,” providing all the services an in-house safety and training department might offer, including safety training, field audits, updates to written safety manuals and policies, rule and regulation interpretation, application, and consultation. ESCI also provides industry training courses, consulting services, and expert witness services.
Safety training programs required each year:
Workers' Right To Know
Fire Protection
Pole, Bucket, and Vault Rescue
CPR and AED (if AEDs are available)
Heat Exposure
(required by Washington State)Confined Space (if required)
Hearing Conservation (if required)
Respiratory Protection (if required)
Hazardous Energy Control (Lock-Out/Tag-Out) Procedures (if revised)
Emergency Action Plans (for involved
employees if revised)Bloodborne Pathogens
(ESCI recommended)First Aid (ESCI recommends 1/2 of the
First Aid Training each year)
Safety training programs required
every two years:
First Aid (minimum, see above)
Flagging (2 or 3 years, depending on State regulations)
CDL Requirements (depending on State regulations)
Safety training programs required every three years:
Fork Lift Operation
Safety training programs required every five years or less:
NESC C-2 Review
Written plans requiring review and update (if needed) each year:
Emergency Action Plans
Hazardous Energy Control Procedures (Lock-Out Tag-Out)
Safety Program (includes safety manual)
Noise Exposure Program (if required)
Explosives and Blasting Program
(if required)Respiratory Protection Plan (if required)
Confined Space Program (if required)
Bloodborne Pathogens Program
Hazardous Communication Plan
Safety training programs required initially and on an as-needed and regular basis if tasks are included in the worker's
job description:
OSHA 1910.269 Review:
(c) Job Briefings
(e) Enclosed Space
(f) Excavations
(g) Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
(h) Ladders, Platforms, Step Bolts,
Manhole Steps(i) Hand and Portable Tools
(j) Live Line Tools
(k) Materials Handling and Storage
(l) Working on or Near Exposed
Energized Parts(m) De-energizing Lines and Equipment
(n) Grounding for the Protection
of Employees(o) Testing and Testing Facilities
(p) Mechanical Equipment
(q) Overhead Lines

(r) Line Clearance Tree Trimmers
(s) Communication Facilities
(t) Underground Electrical Installations
(u) Substations
(v) Power Generation
Qualified Worker Training
(non-journeymen)MAD Distances and
Cover-Up RequirementsBattery Safety
Powered Platforms and Man-Lifts 1910 Subpart F
Scaffolding 1910.28
General Requirements
(housekeeping) 1910.22Welding, Cutting, and Brazing 1910
Subpart QToxic and Hazardous Substances 1910 Subpart Z
Chainsaw Operation 1910.266
ESCI suggested training topics that should be covered on a regular basis:
Heat Exposure
Electrical Burns and FR Protective Clothing
Harassment Awareness
Accident Investigation
Body Mechanics and Lifting
Drug and Alcohol Abuse Awareness
(Supervisors and DOT)Ropes and Rigging
Slips, Trips, and Falls
Workplace Violence
Hantavirus Education
Dealing With Stress and Irate Customers
Conflict Resolution
Winter Driving (defensive driving)